Juebes, 23 de Siembre, 2021


Anuncio Diario de La Escuela Secundaria de Euclid


Pledge: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.


Fecha y Día

Juebes, 23 de septiembre, 2021~ Día Blanco

Información para los Estudiantes

Pride Alliance - Todos son bienvenidos, es un lugar seguro para compartir, hacer preguntas, y discutir asuntos acerca de diversidad e inclusión. Reuniremos el 27 de septiembre de 4:00-5:05 pm en la clase doble en el pasillo de Quest. Si tienes algunas preguntas, habla con la Sra. Kirkpatrick en los Servicios Estudiantiles, o la Sra. Lamers en la sala 1281.


Atención bajistas ~ ¿Lees música? ¿Te gustan los donuts? ¡La Banda de Jazz de Euclid necesita un bajista que responda “sí” a las preguntas anteriores! Vaya a hablar con el Sr. Holcombe en la sala de la banda si está interesado en aprender más sobre el bajo de la banda de jazz.


¡Atención, jugadoras de baloncesto de niñas de 7mo grado! El baloncesto femenino de séptimo grado comienza pronto. Nuestra primera práctica será en el gimnasio, después de la escuela a las 3:55 a partir del 5 de octubre. La práctica terminará a las 5:05. Jugadoras de todas las habilidades son bienvenidas a venir y aprender cómo jugar baloncesto, practicar y mejorar sus habilidades y competir contra las otras escuelas secundarias. Si tienes la capacidad de cooperación, estás dispuesta a aprender nuevas habilidades y tienes una actitud positiva, ¡QUEREMOS QUE VENGAS A JUGAR! 

Si tiene alguna pregunta, la Sra. Fidler en el gimnasio y el Sr. Tuke en la sala 0297 (en el pasillo de Venture Core) estarán encantados de ayudarte.


Consejo Estudiantil - Tendremos otra reunión este martes, 28 de septiembre solo para los miembros actuales. Nos reuniremos en el salón de clases de la Sra. Howard, sala 1297a las 8:00 de la mañana. Por favor, comuníquese con la Sra. Howard o la Sra. Brisse si no puedes asistir a la reunión.


Día Universitario - El día Universitario es viernes, 24 de septiembre. Vístete ropa universitaria para mostrar apoyo para tu universidad favorita. Veamos cuántas universidades están representadas por estudiantes y personal de la escuela de Euclid. 


Objetos Perdidos- Si le faltan loncheras, chaquetas y botellas de agua, consulte el Recipiente de Objetos Perdidos en el escenario de la cafetería.


NJHS- Tendrá su primera reunión después de la escuela el jueves 30 de septiembre en el salón de clase doble. Los estudiantes son miembros de NJHS si fueron admitidos como estudiantes de sexto o séptimo grado. Una vez que haya sido admitido, será miembro por el resto de su tiempo en Euclid. Si fue admitido en otra escuela antes de venir a Euclid, comuníquese con la Sra. Milstead o la Sra. Lunn. ¿No estás seguro si eres miembro? Consulte la lista publicada en la cafetería.


Todos los estudiantes de sexto, séptimo y octavo grado- Si necesitas ayuda adicional con tu tarea o tienes problemas con un concepto que estás aprendiendo en clase, ven a la biblioteca el miércoles 22 de septiembre para reunirse con el Sr. Haskell. ¡Todos los estudiantes que están estudiando cualquiera materias son bienvenidos! Tendrá lugar los lunes y miércoles durante las próximas 2 semanas, comenzando el 22 de septiembre y terminando el 7 de octubre.


Estudiantes de sexto grado- ¿están interesados en participar en nuestro musical de otoño, Matilda? ¡Nos encantaría tenerte! Invitamos a todos los estudiantes de sexto grado a formar parte del elenco. El primer ensayo para el 6º grado será el lunes 27 de septiembre en el salón de la Sra. Alexander (1366) después de las clases.


Club de fútbol- Estudiantes de 6º, 7º y 8º grado - Si te gustaría jugar fútbol, reúnase con nosotros en el lobby del gimnasio el lunes 20 y 27 de septiembre después de la escuela para jugar. Vaya a la oficina de la Ms. Guarino en Servicios Estudiantiles para inscribirte.


Magia, la reunión -¿Te gustan los juegos? ¿Te gustan los juegos con un poco de magia? Mejor aún, ¿te gusta competir con otros y ver quién reinará de forma suprema? ¡Entonces tenemos la respuesta para ti! Estamos reavivando un club basado en un juego de cartas llamado "Magic the Gathering". Es un juego de cartas, similar a Pokémon y Yu-Gi-Oh, pero tiene cartas de batalla como Mazmorras y Dragones. Si eres nuevo, habrá formas de aprender y se proporcionarán mazos básicos para usar. Ven a ver la magia que te espera todos los jueves a partir del 30 de septiembre de 3:55 a 5:05 en la habitación 2125.


Entrar al Edificio por la Mañana: Los estudiantes pueden entrar por la entrada de la cafetería a las 8:30 AM, o por la entrada principal, la entrada de la cafetería y la entrada de 7mo grado a las 8:45 AM.


Teléfonos Celulares: Para mantener un ambiente de aprendizaje enfocado, la política de no usar teléfonos celulares continuará en Euclid. Les pedimos a los estudiantes que no traigan teléfonos celulares a la escuela o, si lo hacen, deben permanecer apagados y en los casilleros de los estudiantes durante el día. Si necesitas comunicarte con alguien, estaremos felices de ayudarte en la oficina principal.

Jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2021


Sándwich de salchicha de desayuno

Variedad de cereales

Variedad de frutas frescas

Fruta refrigerada

Fruta seca


Asado de pavo con un Panecillo

Pizza de pepperoni de Big Daddy

Hamburguesa con queso

Sándwich de pollo crujiente

Sandwich de PB&J con crema de maní y una Jalea de Uva

Sándwich de PB&J con crema de maní y una Jalea de Fresa

Viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2021


Pan de plátano casero

Variedad de cereales

Variedad de frutas frescas

Fruta refrigerada

Fruta seca


Pollo a la mandarina con arroz

Sándwich de pollo picante


Sandwich de PB&J con crema de maní y una Jalea de Uva

Sándwich de PB&J con crema de maní y una Jalea de Fresa

Ensalada César con pollo y palitos de pan

¿Sabías que TODA la comida es GRATIS para TODOS los estudiantes este año? Para obtener más información, visítenos en www.lpsnutrition.com, o Facebook @lpsnutritionservices, o Instagram @lps_nutrition_services. ** Un recordatorio de que los estudiantes deben ingresar su identificación de estudiante y que la comida gratis incluye: desayuno y un almuerzo caliente con una fruta y una verdura. No incluye artículos a la carta como galletas, patatas fritas, etc.

Thursday, September 23, 2021


Euclid Middle School Daily Bulletin


Pledge: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.


Date and Day

Thursday, September 23, 2021~White Day

Student Information 

Attention Bass Players~ Do you read music? Do you like doughnuts? The Euclid Jazz Band needs a bass player who answered yes to at least two of the above questions! Come talk to Mr. Holcombe in the band room if you are interested in learning more about jazz band bass guitar!


Attention 7th Grade Girls Basketball Players!  7th Grade Girls Basketball starts soon. Our first practice will be in the gym, right after school at 3:55 starting October 5th. Practice will end by 5:05. All abilities are welcome to come and learn the game of basketball, practice and improve their skills and compete against the other middle schools . If you are a team player, willing to learn new skills and have a positive attitude, WE WANT YOU!

If you have any questions, Mrs. Fidler in the gym and Mr. Tuke in RM 0297 (Venture Core Hallway) would be happy to help!


Student Council- Will have another meeting this Tuesday Sept. 28th for current members only. We will meet in Ms. Howard's room (1297) at 8am. Please contact Miss Brisse or Ms. Howard if you have any questions or will not be able to attend the meeting.


College Day on Friday- Wear your favorite college gear to support your favorite schools. Let's see how many colleges are represented by the students and staff of Euclid. College Day on Friday, September 24th


Lost & Found - If you are missing lunch boxes, jackets, and water bottles, check out the Lost and Found Bin on the stage in the cafeteria


NJHS- Will hold its first member meeting after school Thursday, Sept. 30 in the Double Classroom Room. Students are members of NJHS if they were inducted as either 6th or 7th graders. Once you are inducted you are a member for the rest of your time at Euclid. If you were inducted at another school before coming to Euclid, please see Mrs. Milstead or Mrs. Lunn. Aren't sure if you are a member? Check the list posted in the cafeteria.


All Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade- If you need some extra help with your homework, or are struggling with a concept you are learning in class, come to the library Wednesday Sept. 22nd with Mr. Haskell. All students working on all subject areas are welcome! Will be Monday & Wednesday for the next 2 weeks 9/22 and ending 10/7.


6th Graders - are you interested in participating in our fall musical, Matilda? We'd love to have you! All 6th graders are invited to be in the cast. The first rehearsal for 6th grade will be Monday 9/27 in Mrs. Alexander's room (1366) after school."


Soccer Club - All students in 6th, 7th and 8th grade - If you would like to play some soccer, meet us in the Gym Lobby on Monday September 20 and 27 after school to play! Go to Ms. Guarino's office in Student Services to sign up.


Magic the Gathering-Do you like games?  Do you like games with a little bit of magic?  Better yet, do you like competing with others and seeing who will reign supreme? Then we have the answer for you! We are reigniting a club based around a card game called, "Magic the Gathering."  It is a card game, similar to Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh, but has battle cards like Dungeon and Dragons. If you are new, there will be ways to learn and basic decks will be provided to use. Come see what magic awaits you every Thursday starting on September 30 from 3:55 to 5:05 in room 2125.


Entering the building in the morning: Students can enter the cafeteria entrance at 8:30 AM, or through the main entrance, cafeteria entrance, and 7th-grade entrance at 8:45.


Cellphones: To maintain a focused learning environment, the no cellphone policy will continue at Euclid. We ask that students not bring cellphones to school or if they do, they should remain off and in the students’ lockers during the day. Should you need to make a call, we are happy to help in the main office.

Thursday, September 23 , 2021


Sausage Breakfast Sandwich

Cereal Variety

Fresh Fruit Variety

Chilled Fruit

Dried Fruit


Turkey Pot Roast with Dinner Roll

Big Daddy's Pepperoni Pizza


Crispy Chicken Sandwich

Grape PB&J Sandwich

Strawberry PB&J Sandwich

Friday, September 24 , 2021


Homemade Banana Bread

Cereal Variety

Fresh Fruit Variety

Chilled Fruit

Dried Fruit


Mandarin Orange Chicken with Rice

Spicy Chicken Sandwich


Grape PB&J Sandwich

Strawberry PB&J Sandwich

Chicken Caesar Salad with Breadsticks

Did you know that ALL meals are FREE for ALL students this year? For more information visit www.lpsnutrition.com or on Facebook @lpsnutritionservices Instagram @lps_nutrition_services. **A reminder that  students need to enter their student ID & the free meal is a hot lunch including a fruit and a vegetable.  This does not include Ala Carte items..cookies, chips etc

Tuesday, September 21, 2021


Euclid Middle School Daily Bulletin


Pledge: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.


Date and Day

Tuesday, September 21, 2021~White Day

Student Information 

NJHS- Will hold its first member meeting after school Thursday, Sept. 30 in the Double Classroom Room. Students are members of NJHS if they were inducted as either 6th or 7th graders. Once you are inducted you are a member for the rest of your time at Euclid. If you were inducted at another school before coming to Euclid, please see Mrs. Milstead or Mrs. Lunn. Aren't sure if you are a member? Check the list posted in the cafeteria.


All Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade- If you need some extra help with your homework, or are struggling with a concept you are learning in class, come to the library Wednesday Sept. 22nd with Mr. Haskell. All students working on all subject areas are welcome! WIll be Monday & Wednesday for the next 2 weeks 9/22 and ending 10/7.


6th Graders - are you interested in participating in our fall musical, Matilda? We'd love to have you! All 6th graders are invited to be in the cast. The first rehearsal for 6th grade will be Monday 9/27 in Mrs. Alexander's room (1366) after school."


Soccer Club - All students in 6th, 7th and 8th grade - If you would like to play some soccer, meet us in the Gym Lobby on Monday September 20 and 27 after school to play! Go to Ms. Guarino's office in Student Services to sign up.


Creative Writing Club - Do you enjoy writing stories, poems, or other types of creative writing? Do you want to join a community of writers to improve your craft? Then join us on Tuesday, September 21st for the first meeting of the Euclid Writing Society! We will meet after school in Mr. Call's room (Discovery hallway, room 2124). Please see Mr. Call or email him (jcall@lps.k12.co.us) if you have any questions. 


Magic the Gathering-Do you like games?  Do you like games with a little bit of magic?  Better yet, do you like competing with others and seeing who will reign supreme? Then we have the answer for you! We are reigniting a club based around a card game called, "Magic the Gathering."  It is a card game, similar to Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh, but has battle cards like Dungeon and Dragons. If you are new, there will be ways to learn and basic decks will be provided to use. Come see what magic awaits you every Thursday starting on September 30 from 3:55 to 5:05 in room 2125.


Hello, Euclid! Twain is looking for some middle school volunteers to run carnival games and distribute prizes at our final Fall Festival on Saturday, October 2nd from 3-6 pm. This is a really fun event and would count toward the first Falcon Feather, "Get Involved". Sign up at this link:Sign Up Genius

The Euclid Jazz Band is back, and we are looking for bass and guitar players! Auditions will be on Tuesday and Wednesday September 21 and 22 after school - you can get materials and sign up for an audition with Mr. Holcombe. We take saxophones, trumpets and trombones as well as a rhythm section of piano, guitar, bass and drum set. Come see Mr. Holcombe if you have questions about auditioning! 


Late Bus - The late bus is available for bus riders who attend after-school activities on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday each week. There is no late bus or afterschool activities on Fridays.


Library and Learning Center Afterschool Hours- The Library & Learning Center is open after schools Monday through Thursday. As a reminder:

- If you arrive after 4 p.m. you must have a pass from a teacher.

- You should plan to stay until you are dismissed at 5:05. If your parents are picking you up before that, they need to come to the front doors to get you or call the front office. If you are a walker or bike rider, you will need to stay until 5:05.

- Please make sure you have what you need from your locker before you come to the library.


Entering the building in the morning: Students can enter the cafeteria entrance at 8:30 AM, or through the main entrance, cafeteria entrance, and 7th-grade entrance at 8:45.


Cellphones: To maintain a focused learning environment, the no cellphone policy will continue at Euclid. We ask that students not bring cellphones to school or if they do, they should remain off and in the students’ lockers during the day. Should you need to make a call, we are happy to help in the main office.

Tuesday, September 21 , 2021


Blueberry Pancakes

Cereal Variety

Fresh Fruit Variety

Chilled Fruit

Dried Fruit


Nacho Bar

Big Daddy's Four Meat Pizza


Crispy Chicken Sandwich

Grape PB&J Sandwich

Strawberry PB&J Sandwich

Yogurt Parfait with Blueberry Muffin

Yogurt Parfait with Chocolate Chip Muffin

Wednesday, September 22 , 2021


Breakfast Taco

Cereal Variety

Fresh Fruit Variety

Chilled Fruit

Dried Fruit


Corn Dog

Spicy Chicken Sandwich


Grape PB&J Sandwich

Strawberry PB&J Sandwich

Chicken Caesar Salad with Breadsticks

Did you know that ALL meals are FREE for ALL students this year? For more information visit www.lpsnutrition.com or on Facebook @lpsnutritionservices Instagram @lps_nutrition_services. **A reminder that  students need to enter their student ID & the free meal is a hot lunch including a fruit and a vegetable.  This does not include Ala Carte items..cookies, chips etc

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


Euclid Middle School Daily Bulletin


Pledge: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.


Date and Day

Wednesday, September 22, 2021~Blue Day~PLC Late Start @ 9:54am

Student Information 


Attention 7th Grade Girls Basketball Players!  7th Grade Girls Basketball starts soon. Our first practice will be in the gym, right after school at 3:55 starting October 5th. Practice will end by 5:05. All abilities are welcome to come and learn the game of basketball, practice and improve their skills and compete against the other middle schools . If you are a team player, willing to learn new skills and have a positive attitude, WE WANT YOU!

If you have any questions, Mrs. Fidler in the gym and Mr. Tuke in RM 0297 (Venture Core Hallway) would be happy to help!


Student Council- Will have another meeting this Tuesday Sept. 28th for current members only. We will meet in Ms. Howard's room (1297) at 8am. Please contact Miss Brisse or Ms. Howard if you have any questions or will not be able to attend the meeting.


College Day on Friday- College Day on Friday, September 24th. Wear your favorite college gear to support your favorite schools. Let's see how many colleges are represented by the students and staff of Euclid. 


Lost & Found - If you are missing lunch boxes, jackets, and water bottles, check out the Lost and Found Bin on the stage in the cafeteria


NJHS- Will hold its first member meeting after school Thursday, Sept. 30 in the Double Classroom Room. Students are members of NJHS if they were inducted as either 6th or 7th graders. Once you are inducted you are a member for the rest of your time at Euclid. If you were inducted at another school before coming to Euclid, please see Mrs. Milstead or Mrs. Lunn. Aren't sure if you are a member? Check the list posted in the cafeteria.


All Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade- If you need some extra help with your homework, or are struggling with a concept you are learning in class, come to the library Wednesday Sept. 22nd with Mr. Haskell. All students working on all subject areas are welcome! WIll be Monday & Wednesday for the next 2 weeks-beginning 9/22 and ending 10/7.


6th Graders - are you interested in participating in our fall musical, Matilda? We'd love to have you! All 6th graders are invited to be in the cast. The first rehearsal for 6th grade will be Monday 9/27 in Mrs. Alexander's room (1366) after school."


Soccer Club - All students in 6th, 7th and 8th grade - If you would like to play some soccer, meet us in the Gym Lobby on Monday September 20 and 27 after school to play! Go to Ms. Guarino's office in Student Services to sign up.


Magic the Gathering-Do you like games?  Do you like games with a little bit of magic?  Better yet, do you like competing with others and seeing who will reign supreme? Then we have the answer for you! We are reigniting a club based around a card game called, "Magic the Gathering."  It is a card game, similar to Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh, but has battle cards like Dungeon and Dragons. If you are new, there will be ways to learn and basic decks will be provided to use. Come see what magic awaits you every Thursday starting on September 30 from 3:55 to 5:05 in room 2125.


Hello, Euclid! Twain is looking for some middle school volunteers to run carnival games and distribute prizes at our final Fall Festival on Saturday, October 2nd from 3-6 pm. This is a really fun event and would count toward the first Falcon Feather, "Get Involved". Sign up at this link:Sign Up Genius


The Euclid Jazz Band is back, and we are looking for bass and guitar players! Auditions will be on Tuesday and Wednesday September 21 and 22 after school - you can get materials and sign up for an audition with Mr. Holcombe. We take saxophones, trumpets and trombones as well as a rhythm section of piano, guitar, bass and drum set. Come see Mr. Holcombe if you have questions about auditioning! 


Late Bus - The late bus is available for bus riders who attend after-school activities on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday each week. There is no late bus or afterschool activities on Fridays.


Library and Learning Center Afterschool Hours- The Library & Learning Center is open after schools Monday through Thursday. As a reminder:

- If you arrive after 4 p.m. you must have a pass from a teacher.

- You should plan to stay until you are dismissed at 5:05. If your parents are picking you up before that, they need to come to the front doors to get you or call the front office. If you are a walker or bike rider, you will need to stay until 5:05.

- Please make sure you have what you need from your locker before you come to the library.


Entering the building in the morning: Students can enter the cafeteria entrance at 8:30 AM, or through the main entrance, cafeteria entrance, and 7th-grade entrance at 8:45.


Cellphones: To maintain a focused learning environment, the no cellphone policy will continue at Euclid. We ask that students not bring cellphones to school or if they do, they should remain off and in the students’ lockers during the day. Should you need to make a call, we are happy to help in the main office.


Wednesday, September 22 , 2021


Breakfast Taco

Cereal Variety

Fresh Fruit Variety

Chilled Fruit

Dried Fruit


Corn Dog

Spicy Chicken Sandwich


Grape PB&J Sandwich

Strawberry PB&J Sandwich

Chicken Caesar Salad with Breadsticks

Thursday, September 23 , 2021


Sausage Breakfast Sandwich

Cereal Variety

Fresh Fruit Variety

Chilled Fruit

Dried Fruit


Turkey Pot Roast with Dinner Roll

Big Daddy's Pepperoni Pizza


Crispy Chicken Sandwich

Grape PB&J Sandwich

Strawberry PB&J Sandwich

Did you know that ALL meals are FREE for ALL students this year? For more information visit www.lpsnutrition.com or on Facebook @lpsnutritionservices Instagram @lps_nutrition_services. **A reminder that  students need to enter their student ID & the free meal is a hot lunch including a fruit and a vegetable.  This does not include Ala Carte items..cookies, chips etc